We were on our way home from Utah and Lydia started counting out load. She's a pretty good counter, before she was counting to 13 but would hit a bump,...10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13... Driving along and then she started and I was listening to her and expected to hear 13, 13, 13, but instead I heard...11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15... Slowly but surely she's makin her way up, up, up, up...
While we were in Utah we were able to experience first hand the phenom that is Guitar Hero. I am not really one for video games but this got me hooked. Now I've got Wii on the brain. People! Come on, not that kind of wee! Anyway, Lydia decided she wanted to try her hand at the game and now she's gone rocker chic.